Soul Sisters
Soul Sisters is part of New Life Family Church. We're a women's study and prayer group. Sometimes we look at different parts of the Bible. Sometimes we study a book together. We meet on a Tuesday morning in Stoke on Trent and we're open to any woman who would like to join us. To find out more, contact
Schedule for the next few months:
9th April: STILL Method
16th April: Acts 1 - 8
23rd April: Acts 9-15
30th April: Acts 16-20
7th May: Coffee Morning
14th May: Acts 21-28
21st May: Romans 1-7
28th May: half term
4th June: Coffee Morning
11th June: Romans 8-end
18th June: 1 Corinthians 1-9
25th June: 1 Corinthians 10-end
2nd July: Coffee morning
9th July: 2 Corinthians
16th July: Galatians and Ephesians
Summer Holiday
3rd September: Philippians and Colossians
10th September: 1 and 2 Thessalonians
17th September:1 and 2 Timothy
24th September: Titus and Philemon
1st October: Coffee Morning
8th October: Hebrews
15th October: James
22nd October: 1 and 2 Peter
29th October: Half-term
5th November: coffee morning
12th November: 1 John, 2 John, 3 John and Jude
19th November: Introduction to Revelation
26th November: Revelation 1-4
3rd December: Coffee Morning
10th December: Revelation 5-18
17th December: Revelation 19-end