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Soul Sisters

Soul Sisters is part of New Life Family Church. We're a women's study and prayer group. Sometimes we look at different parts of the Bible. Sometimes we study a book together. We meet on a Tuesday morning in Stoke on Trent and we're open to any woman who would like to join us. To find out more, contact 

Image by Hannah Busing

Schedule for the next few months:

9th April:  STILL Method

16th April: Acts 1 - 8

23rd April: Acts 9-15

30th April: Acts 16-20

7th May: Coffee Morning

14th May: Acts 21-28

21st May: Romans 1-7

28th May: half term

4th June: Coffee Morning

11th June: Romans 8-end

18th June: 1 Corinthians 1-9

25th June: 1 Corinthians 10-end

2nd July: Coffee morning

9th July: 2 Corinthians

16th July: Galatians and Ephesians

Summer Holiday

3rd September: Philippians and Colossians

10th September: 1 and 2 Thessalonians

17th September:1 and 2 Timothy

24th September: Titus and Philemon

1st October: Coffee Morning

8th October: Hebrews

15th October: James

22nd October: 1 and  2 Peter

29th October: Half-term

5th November: coffee morning

12th November: 1 John, 2 John, 3 John and Jude

19th November: Introduction to Revelation

26th November: Revelation 1-4

3rd December: Coffee Morning

10th December: Revelation 5-18

17th December: Revelation 19-end

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